CSS :: Agriculture Genetics Plant Breeding and Biotechnology

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91.  Cotton:
A. Is a self-pollinated crop B. Is a cross pollinated crop
C. Is an often-cross pollinated crop D. Is an often-self pollinated crop

92.  Creation of the world by God is basis of the:
A. Theory of eternity of present condition B. Theory of special creation
C. Theory of catastrophism D. All the above

93.  Cross between cytoplasmic male sterile x cytoplasmic male fertile:
A. Produce sterile F1 B. Produce fertile F1
C. Produce fertile, sterile in 1:1 ratio D. None of the above

94.  Cross of F1 hybrid with either parent is called:
A. Test cross B. Single cross
C. Back cross D. None of them

95.  Crossing over occurs at:
A. Two strand stage B. Four strand stage
C. Three strand stage D. None of the above

96.  Cuscuta is:
A. Total stem parasite B. Partial stem parasite
C. Partial root parasite D. Total root parasite

97.  Cytogenetically, the definitive nucleus is:
A. Haploid B. Diploid
C. Triploid D. Tetraploid

98.  Date palm is:
A. Monoecious B. Dioecious
C. Polygamous D. None of the above

99.  Degenerated parts of plants and animals, which do not serve any useful purpose, are known as:
A. Un-useful structures B. Vestigial structures
C. Essential organs D. Unwanted structures

100.  Despite conspicuous deterioration of maize upon continuous setting, it is more tolerant to inbreeding than:
A. Limabean B. Barley
C. Alfalfa D. Buckwheat

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