CSS :: Organic Evolution

101.  The zygotes of all metazoans are single celled and quite comparable with the bodies of simple protozoans. This fact indicates that:
A. Metazoans formed protozoans B. Origin of metazoans has been from protozoan ancestors
C. Both protozoa and metazoa are not related to each other D. Protozoans after degeneration formed metazonas

102.  Most primitive mammals originating in Australia provide evidence of organic evolution from:
A. Geological distribution B. Geographical distribution
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

103.  Fossils have their importance in studies of organic evolution because their study links:
A. Zoology with Botany B. Biology with Natural Sciences
C. Zoology with Geology D. None of these

104.  Age of fossils is calculated by calculating the age of rock with the help of:
A. Chemical analysis B. Liquid nitrogen
C. Carbon dating D. None of these

105.  Which of the following includes most primitive mammals:
A. Scaly ant-eater B. Spiny ant-eater
C. Armadillo D. All ant-eaters

106.  One of the following is an example of connecting link:
A. Kangaroo B. Donkey
C. Monotremes D. Leucosolania

107.  Homology and Analogy refer to:
A. Study of organs similar in origin B. Study of organs similar in function
C. Studies of organs similar in origin and similar in function respectively D. None of these

108.  Which of the following sets of animals is odd:
A. Fish, whale, elephant, ant, camel B. Star-fish, jelly-fish, silver-fish and cray-fish
C. Ostrich, kiwi, emu and dodo D. Sponge, coelentrate, fish and reptiles

109.  Which of the following may be considered a fossil:
A. Unaltered B. Petrified
C. Casts, moulds, prints etc. D. All of these

110.  Petrified fossils include:
A. Frozen bodies of animal B. Hard structure like teeth, shells and bones
C. Prints of leaves, feathers, skin etc D. None of these

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