CSS :: Culture and Society

21.  In the prehistoric times man's culture grew
A. exceedingly slowly B. more rapidly
C. at normal rate

22.  Poetry is a
A. trait B. collection of trails
C. not at all

23.  Malinovshi believed that culuture is
A. complex whole. B. medium through which man achieves his ends.
C. realm of final valuation.

24.  All trails which form cultural complex
A. are independent of each other. B. have isolated identity.
C. have nothing to do with each other. D. all of the above

25.  The complex is intermediate between
A. trait B. pattern
C. trait and pattern

26.  A trait required of all members of the society is called
A. universal B. non-universal
C. regional

27.  Pakistani culture permits
A. polygamy B. monogamy
C. None of these

28.  Interaction of cultural complexes helps in determining
A. cultural disorganization B. cultural lag
C. nothing of the culture

29.  The central point of a culture is
A. complex B. theme
C. ethos D. pattern

30.  The smallest unit of culture is
A. traits B. theme
C. ethos

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