CSS :: Culture and Society

91.  The agent of socialisation is
A. mass media B. computer
C. electronic products

92.  Socialisation makes social behaviour
A. difficult B. possible
C. easy D. None of these

93.  Harry Harlow worked with Thesus Monkeys in
A. 1952 B. 1962
C. 1972 D. None of these

94.  The agents of socialisation are
A. people B. groups
C. organisations D. all of these

95.  The factor of socialisation is
A. religion B. culture
C. organisation D. all of these

96.  Socialisation shall be considered as
A. independent variable B. dependent variable
C. both of these

97.  School shall be treated as
A. dependent variable B. independent variable
C. none of these

98.  School means
A. formal socialisation of an individual. B. informal socialisation of an individual.
C. both of these

99.  Level of education is / are
A. three B. two
C. one

100.  Which of the following is type of school?
A. Private B. Public
C. Religion D. All of these

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