Engineering :: Industrial Engineering

131.  Which of the following is the symptom of bad layout?
A. congestion of materials on the shop floor B. excessive amount of work-in-process
C. poor utilization of space D. All of the above

132.  Which of the following chart is not used in work study
A. Man machine chart B. Flow process chart
C. Operation process chart D. Gantt chart

133.  Which of the following is incorrect with reference to work study?
A. Normal time = Representative time + Rating factor B. Normal time = Representative time x Rating factor
C. Standard time = Normal time D. Standard time = Normal time x Allowances

134.  Shewart control charts are used in
A. Work study B. Motion study
C. Quality control D. All of the above

135.  In case of break even analysis, a change in product mix is likely to influence
A. profits B. break even point
C. contribution D. All of the above

136.  Which of the following least affects break even point?
A. change in selling price B. change in volume of production
C. change in fixed cost D. change in product mix

137.  An organisation may decide to buy a component from outside when
A. existing production facilities are limited B. there is need to maintain stability in employment
C. cost is less to buy as compared to production cost D. All of the above

138.  ABC analysis is used in
C. Inventory control D. All of the above

139.  In ABC analysis which class of items are generally large in number?
A. A B. B
C. C

140.  Under which incentive plan, the minimum wages are guaranteed?
A. Rowan plan B. Emerson's efficiency plan
C. Bedaux plan D. All of the above

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