CSS :: Agricultural Engineering

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  • Growing fruit and vegetables hydroponically
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  • Current Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Market Growth as well as Trends
261.  American Petroleum Institute adopted the classification of engine oils in the year:
A. 1920 B. 1950
C. 1952 D. 1960

262.  ML-light servvice, MM. medium service and MS- severe service are service classes for the:
A. SI engines B. IC engines
C. Steam engines D. All are correct

263.  DG-general service, DM-moderately service and DS-very severe services are service classes for the:
A. Petrol engine B. Steam engine
C. Kerosene engines D. Diesel engines

264.  DG and MS oils have high additive contents, which help in keeping:
A. Engine cool B. Engine clean
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

265.  If diesel fuel contains high sulphur content the best class of lubricating oil for use is:
A. DS lubricating oil B. DM lubricating oil
C. DG lubricating oil D. MS lubricating oil

266.  Lubrication reduces:
A. Wear and teat B. Abrasive elements
C. Noise D. All are correct

267.  Viscosity of oil is measured in terms of:
A. Its resistance to flow B. Its cooling effect
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

268.  Say bolt universal Seconds' is related with the:
A. Viscosity of oil B. Density of oil
C. Gravity of oil D. All are correct

269.  Viscosity of oil expressed at two temperatures is:
A. ?18?C and 99?C B. ?20?C and 100?C
C. ?20?C and 120?C D. ?18?C and 150?C

270.  Viscosity measured in:
A. Centistokes B. Centipoises
C. Redwood seconds D. All are correct

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