Engineering :: Building Construction

11.  The minimum depth of foundation for buildings on clays is
A. 0.2 to 0.4 m B. 0.4 to 0.6 m
C. 0.6 to 0.9 m D. 0.9 to 1.6 m

12.  When heavy structural loads from columns are required to be transferred to a soil of low bearing capacity, the most economical foundation is
A. shallow foundation B. deep foundation
C. raft foundation D. grillage foundation

13.  The distance between the flanges of the beams in steel grillage foundation should not be more than twice the width of flange.
A. True B. False

14.  A grillage foundation can be treated as a deep foundation.
A. Right B. Wrong

15.  In order to protect the beam against corrosion, a minimum cover of
A. 50 mm B. 100 mm
C. 150 mm D. 200 mm

16.  In masonry construction, excessive tension is not permissible and hence in order that the supporting area is fully in compression, the width of footing is so adopted that the centre of gravity of the load falls.
A. at the centre of base B. within the middle third of base
C. within the middle fifth of base D. any one of these

17.  For a rectangular foundation of width b, the eccentricity of the load should not be greater than
A. b/3 B. b/4
C. b/5 D. b/6

18.  Which of the following statement is correct?
A. A combined footing is so proportioned that the centre of gravity of the supporting area is in line with the centre of gravity of the two column loads. B. A combined rectangular footing is provided where loading condition is such that either the two columns are equally loaded or the interior column carries greater load.
C. A trapezoidal shaped footing is provided under any condition of loading. D. all of the above

19.  In made-up ground having a low value of its bearing power, heavy concentrated structural loads are generally supported by providing
A. combined footing B. strap footing
C. raft footing D. all of these

20.  Which of the following foundation is used for weaker soil?
A. Column footing B. Grillage footing
C. Raft footing D. all of these

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