CSS :: Agricultural Economics And Farm Management

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121.  If two items are complementary then demand of one item will increase for ______ in price of another item:
A. Increase B. Decreases
C. No effect D. Not known

122.  If two items are supplementary than demand of item will decrease against the ______ in price of another item:
A. Increase B. Maximum
C. Decrease D. Minimum

123.  In a complete farm planning due consideration is given to:
A. Resource use and restrictive B. Relationship among different enterprises
C. Goods managerial skill of the operator D. All of above

124.  In a manufacturing industry generally applies law of:
A. Constant return B. Increasing return
C. Decreasing return D. All of the above

125.  In a market situation when there is only one seller of a commodity, it is:
A. Duopoly Market B. Oligopoly Market
C. Monopoly Market D. None of the above

126.  In capitalistic farming, te land is owned by:
A. Land lord B. Factory lord
C. Both (a) and (b) D. Government

127.  In classical production function when average product is incresing:
A. Marginal product is less than average product B. Marginal product is equal to average product
C. Marginal product is greater than average product D. None of the above

128.  In classical production function, rational zone is always:
A. First zone B. Second zone
C. Third zone D. None of the above

129.  In economics the term 'land' as a factor of production includes:
A. Mineral wealth B. Sub-soil water and crops raised
C. Canals and dams D. All of the above

130.  In economics the term 'labour' means:
A. Only manual labour B. Only mental work
C. Manual and mental work D. None of these

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