CSS :: Vision and Hearing Physiology

21.  Night blindness is due to the deficiency of:
A. Rhodopsin B. Iodopsin
C. Vitamin-A D. None of these

22.  Rhodopsin is also called:
A. Visual purple B. Visual voilet
C. Visual red D. None of these

23.  Iodopsin is also called:
A. Visual purple B. Visual voilet
C. Visual yellow D. None of these

24.  If light source in front of our eye suddenly becomes bright, then:
A. We have a temporary blindness for 10-30 seconds during which pupil constricts B. Focus of our eye changes
C. Retinal blood supply will be cut off D. Vitrous humour will liquify

25.  Rhodopsin is a pigment found in:
A. Retinal cells B. Cornea
C. Sclerotic D. Choroid

26.  Phtosensitive pigment is:
A. Different in different eyes B. Similar in all eyes
C. Similar in all vertebrate eyes D. Red in all eyes

27.  Focal length of lens is controlled by:
A. Pupil B. Vitreous humour
C. Ciliary muscles D. Cornea

28.  A person having deficiency of rhodopsin should take:
A. Tomatoes B. Carrots
C. Radish D. Guava

29.  Myopia is a defect in human eyes in which image is formed:
A. In front of retina and can be corrected by using concave lenses B. In front of retina and can be corrected by using convex lenses
C. Behind the retina and can be corrected by using concave lenses D. Behind retina and can be corrected by using convex lenses

30.  Hypermetropia is a condition in human eyes in which the image is formed:
A. In front of retina and can be corrected by using convex lenses B. In front of retina and can be corrected by using concave lenses
C. Behind retina and can be corrected by using convex lenses D. Behind retina and can be corrected by using concavelenses

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