CSS :: Sovereignty Of State

111.  "If a determinate human superior not in a habit of obedience to a like superior receives habitual obedience from the bulk of a given society, that determinate superior is sovereign in that society; and the society (including the superior) is a society political and independent". Which of the followings said this?
A. Hobbes B. Jean Bodin
C. Austin D. Laski

112.  In India the legal sovereignty lies in the
A. Parliament B. Supreme Court
C. President D. Electorate

113.  The Courts recognise only:
A. Legal sovereign B. Political sovereign
C. Popular sovereignty D. All the above sovereigns

114.  De facto sovereign refers to:
A. A person who is the lawful ruler of the country B. King who has lawfully inherited to the throne
C. A person or body of persons who actually exercise power D. None of the above

115.  De jure sovereign refers to:
A. A person who has legal right to govern and command obedience. B. A person who is authorised by Parliament to rule the country
C. A person in whom the entire authority is vested by the constitution but does not make use of that power D. The constitutional ruler of state

116.  Under democratic system of government the popular sovereignty resides in:
A. Popularly elected representative body B. The electorate
C. The people D. All the above

117.  Sir Henry Maine:
A. Fully supported Austin's theory of sovereignty B. Supported the basic principles of Austin's theory of sovereignty but differed from him in details
C. Bitterly criticised Austins's theory of sovereignty D. Expressed new views about Austin's theory of sovereignty

118.  The Pluralists regard the state as:
A. Master of people B. Servant of people
C. A power machine D. Brother of masses

119.  Which one of the following group of thinkers do not draw any distinction between the governemtn and the state?
A. Pluralists B. Socialists
C. Capitalists D. All the above

120.  According to Laski law is:
A. Command of the sovereign B. Embodiment of general will
C. Built upon general social environemtn D. Accumulation of religious principles and practices

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