CSS :: Sovereignty Of State

121.  According to Laski the state is:
A. Master of society and associations B. Servant of society
C. Identical with society D. None of the above

122.  Who said "No sovereign has any where possessed unlimited power; and the attempt to exert it has always resulted in the establishment of safeguards"?
A. Sir Henry Maine B. Hobbes
C. Bodin D. Laski

123.  Sovereignty has been defined as "Supreme Power over citizens and subjects unrestrained by law" by:
A. Burgess B. Willoughby
C. Bodin D. Austin

124.  Which one of the following statements correctly defines sovereignty as a legal attribute of the state?
A. To make decisions with respect to matters within the jurisdiction of the state, free of external restraint or coercision B. To enforece laws made by decision makers over those who are willing to 'coerce' the unwilling citizens
C. To cultivate popular conscience to obey wuch decisions as are made by the legislature and to ensure compliance thereof D. To ensure enforcement of dicisions made by authorities with a view to total and abiding obedience by citizens

125.  Which one of the following statements is correct?
A. The legal sovereign in England is the Queen or the King B. The legal sovereign in England is the People
C. The legal sovereign in England is the House of Commons D. The legal sovereign in England is the Queen/King-in-Parliament

126.  Which one of the following statements depict the true nature of Defacto sovereignty?
A. A sovereignty where ultimate authority rests with the people B. A sovereignty which has the legal right to command obedience
C. A sovereignty which is actually obeyed by the people whether it has a legal status or not D. A sovereignty which is absolute and Incapable of limitation

127.  Political Pluralism calls for:
A. Parliamentary control of associations B. Government control of association
C. Autonomy of associations D. Administrative control of associations

128.  "It would be of lasting benefit to Political Science if the whole concept of sovereignty were surrendered." This statement reflects the view point of:
A. The monistic school B. The pluralistic school
C. The legalistic school D. The analytical school

129.  The assertion that the state is not the only association but one among many associations in society, is:
A. A Marxist viewpoint B. A Pluralist viewpoint
C. A Fabian viewpoint D. An Anarchist viewpoint

130.  Which one of the following statements is incorrect with reference to Austin's definition of sovereignty?
A. It resides in a determinate human superior B. The determinate human superior should not be in the habit of obedience to like superior
C. The determinate human superior receives habitual obedience from the bluk of population of given society D. The determinate human superior must be responsible for his acts to the elected representatives of the people
E. The determinate human superior must be capable of being located    

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