CSS :: England Constitution

211.  The Prime Minister belongs to:
A. The House of Lords B. The House of Commons
C. The House of representatives D. None of them

212.  The Queen can pardon or reprieve offenders on the advice of:
A. The Lord Chancellor B. The Prime Minister
C. The Deputy Speaker D. The Home Secretary

213.  The Reforms Acts of 1832, 1867, 1884 and relate to:
A. Election reforms B. The powers of the king
C. Franchise D. The powers of the Lords

214.  Statutes are the laws made by the:
A. Parliament B. Conventions
C. Queen D. None of these

215.  The term of Houe of Commons is:
A. 4 years B. 5 years
C. 6 years D. None of them

216.  The Queen must be a faithful:
A. Protestant B. Communist
C. Catholic D. Buddhist

217.  The Queen appoints judges on the advice of the Prime Minister or:
A. The Home Secretary B. The Speaker
C. The Deputy Speaker D. The Lord Chancellor

218.  The Queen can do no wrong means:
A. The Queen is immune from the jurisdiction of law B. The Queen has no power of ruling
C. The Queen has immense power of ruling D. The Queen is above law

219.  The husband of Queen is to be called:
A. The Duke of Edinburgh B. The King
C. The Prime Minister D. None of them

220.  The expenditure on this British Monarchy is:
A. 1% of the total British budget B. 2% of the total British budget
C. 5% of the total British budget D. 7% of the total British budget

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