Engineering :: Engineering Materials

211.  Chromium when added as an alloying element to steels
A. Softens the material B. Refines the grain structure
C. Increases corrosion resistance D. Increases red hardness
E. Improves mechanical properties    

212.  The behavious of visco-elastic material is
A. Time dependent B. Independent of time
C. Elastic D. Plastic
E. Ductile    

213.  Visco-elastic behaviour is common in
A. Crystalline materials B. Non-crystalline solids
C. Non-crystalline organic polymers D. Plastics
E. Rubber    

214.  An elastic behaviour of materials is expressed in terms of
A. Stress strain curve B. Relaxation time
C. Adiabatic time D. Isothermal time
E. Hysteresis loop area    

215.  The material which undergo recoverable deformation and exhibit rubber like elsticity are called
A. Pure elastic materials B. Elastomers
C. Rubbers D. Creep-elastic
E. None of the above    

216.  The greatest amount of strain energy per unit volume that a material can absorb sithout exceeding its elastic limit is
A. Elastic limit B. Toughness
C. Resilience D. Proof resilience
E. Endurance limit    

217.  Machinability of a metal depends on
A. Tensile strength B. Hardness
C. Toughness D. (A) and (B) above
E. (B) and (C) above    

218.  The variable stress below which the probability of failure of a material is negligible, is called
A. Elastic limit B. Plastic limit
C. Yield point D. Endurance limit
E. Tolerance limit    

219.  The modulus of elasticity E, the modulus of rigidity C, and Poisson's ratio are related by the equation
A. E = 2G (1 + B. E = G (2 +
C. E = G (1+ 2 D. E = 2G (1 -
E. E = 2G (1 - 2    

220.  The modulus of elasticity E, the bulk modulus of elasticity K and the Poisson's ratio are related by the relation
A. E = K (1 - B. E = 2K (1 +
C. E = K (2 + D. E = 3K (1 - 2
E. K = (1 +    

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