Engineering :: Engineering Materials

191.  Induction hardening is the process of
A. Hardening the core B. Uniform hardening
C. Selective hardening D. Hardening surface for wear resistance
E. Electrical hardening process    

192.  Corrosion resistance of steels is increased by the addition of alloying elements like
A. Sulphur B. Silicon and sulphur
C. Chromium and nickel D. Cobalt and vanadium
E. Tungsten    

193.  Cemented carbide tools are generally not used for the machining of
A. Steel B. Aluminium
C. Brass D. Bronze
E. Cast iron    

194.  If a solid cube is subjected to equal tensile stresses on all its faces the volumetric strain is n times the linear strain, where
A. n = 1 B. n = 2
C. n = 3 D. n = 6
E. n = 9    

195.  Blisters in wrought iron cause
A. Brittleness at high temperatures B. Brittleness at low temperatures
C. Loose textured metal D. Voids created due to chemical reaction between carbon and iron oxide
E. None of the above    

196.  Cold shortness is
A. Too much shrinkage of materials at low temperatures B. Uneven shrinkage of materials at low temperatures
C. Brittleness of material at low temperature D. The region where Hooke's law does not hold good
E. None of the above    

197.  A material is known as allotropic or polymoriphic if it
A. Has its atoms distributed in random pattern B. Exists in several crystal forms at different temperatures
C. Has a fixed structure under all conditions D. Responds to heat tretment
E. Can be cast    

198.  Permalloy is
A. A non-ferrous alloy used in aircraft industry B. A non-ferrous alloy containing nickel copper and chromium
C. An nickel and iron alloy having high permeability D. A kind of stainless steel
E. An alloy similar to carbides    

199.  Dielectric strength of a material is
A. Capacity to take two stresses B. Magnetic property
C. Capacity to withstand high voltage D. Capacity to resist flow of current
E. Energy storage capacity    

200.  Nichrome are alloys of
A. Nickel, chromium B. Nickel, chromium and copper
C. Nickel, chromium and silver D. Nickel, chromium and aluminium
E. Nickel, chromium and iron    

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