Engineering :: Engineering Materials

201.  Monel metal is
A. Aluminium Copper alloy B. Aluminium Silver alloy
C. Copper Nickel alloy D. Nickel-Chromium alloy
E. Chromium - Molybdenum alloy    

202.  Wrought iron is
A. Used for castings B. Not used for castings
C. Easily hardened D. Least resistant to corrosion fatigue stresses
E. Melts easily at 1500?C    

203.  Steel may be manufactured by
A. Bessemer process B. Open hearth process
C. Cementation process D. Duplex process
E. Any of the above    

204.  A material which undergoes no deformation till its yield point is reached and then it flows at a constant stress is known as
A. Elastic B. Plastic
C. Rigid D. Elastic-plastic
E. Rigid plastic    

205.  During stress relaxation phenomenon
A. Deformation tends to bind the joint and produces a stress reduction B. Deformation tends to loosen the joint and produces a stress reduction
C. Stress is no longer proportional to strain D. Stress reduces on increasing load
E. None of the above    

206.  Diamagnetic materials are
A. Only slightly magnetised B. Strongly magnetised
C. Magnetised with eddy currents only D. Magnetised in a direction opposite to that of the applied field
E. None of the above    

207.  Residual magnetism is
A. Magnetism left in a sample after a decade B. Magnetism left in a sample after one year
C. Flux density present in a material after magnetising force is removed D. The magnetic force required to fully demagnetise a sample
E. None of the above    

208.  The loss of strength in compression which occurs when there is a gain in strength in the tension due to overloading is
A. Iso-strain B. Relaxation
C. Hysteresis D. Bounhinger effect
E. Hooke's effect    

209.  Spring steels should have high resistance to
A. Shocks B. Fatigue
C. Corrosion D. Deformation
E. All of the above    

210.  Vanadium is added to steel as an alloying element to
A. Increase temperture resistance B. Increase shock resistance
C. Modify yield and tensile strength properties D. Increases resistance to corrosion
E. To soften the material    

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