CSS :: Physical Geography

181.  Which is the highest mountain peak in the world?
A. Mount Godwin Austen (Karakoram) B. Mount Kanchanjunga (Himalayas)
C. Mt. Everest, Sagarmatha D. Mount Cho Oyn (Himalayas)

182.  Name the highest volcano in the world, giving its height, country of its location
A. Cotopaxi, Andes, Ecuador B. Ojos del Salado, Andes, Argentina, 6885.
C. Ojos del Salado, Andes, Argentina, 6890. D. None of the above

183.  Which is the world's largest peninsula?
A. Labrador B. Southern (India)
C. Arabia D. Scandinavia

184.  Which is the place of the highest elevation in Africa?
A. Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) 5895 meters B. Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) 5869 meters
C. Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) 5812 meters D. None of the above

185.  In which country is the White Island situated?
A. Australia B. The United States
C. New Zealand D. United Kingdom

186.  Who discovered the South Pole in 1911?
A. Charles Wilkes B. Robert Peary
C. Ronald Amundsen D. Nils Nordenskjold

187.  Who explored Australia's first of all?
A. Abel Janzoon tasman B. John M. Stuart
C. Robert Burke and William Wills (British) D. None of the above

188.  Who was the explorer of Amazon River?
A. Fransisco Orellana (Spanish) B. Willem S Schouten
C. William S. Qunts D. None of the above

189.  Who from the west explored China?
A. Ferdinand Richthofen (German) B. Nikolai M. Przhevalsky
C. A.H Harvey D. None of the above

190.  Who explored Mongolia?
A. Ferdinand Richthofen B. Nikolai M. Przhevalsky
C. Peter A Samuel D. None of the above

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