CSS :: Physical Geography

171.  At what speed does the earth revolve round the sun?
A. 110,000 km per hour B. 107,220 km per hour
C. 110,100 km per hour D. 107,300 km per hour

172.  Which is the highest point on earth and how much?
A. Mount Everest - 8840 meters above sea level B. Mount Everest - 8848 meters above sea level.
C. Mount Everest - 8849 meters above sea level D. Mount Everent - 8850 meters above sea level.

173.  At what speed does the earth rotate around its axis?
A. 1760 km per hour B. 1670 km per hour
C. 1750 km per hour D. 1671 km per hour

174.  What is the diameter of the erth at the poles?
A. 12700 km B. 12714 km
C. 12800 km D. 12715 km

175.  What is diameter of the earth at the equator?
A. 12,000 km B. 12,756 km
C. 12,600 km D. 12,770 km

176.  When and where did the worst explosion of a volcano take place:
A. Mont Pelee in Martinique in 1902 B. Usu Mountain in Japan near the northern-most island.
C. Mont Pelee in Martinique in 1906 D. None of the above

177.  Which is the coldest place on earth?
A. Charlotte Pass, New South Wales, Australia B. Vostok Station, Antarctica.
C. Ommyakon (Russia) D. None of the above

178.  Which is the wettest place on earth
A. Debundscha (Africa) B. Cherapunji (India)
C. Tully (Queensland) D. Henderson Lake (Columbia)

179.  Which is the driest place in the world?
A. Asia (Aden, Yemen) B. Africa (Chile)
C. Wadi Haifa (Sudan) D. South Pole Station, (Antarctica)

180.  Which is the hottest place in the world?
A. Death Valley (California) B. Tirat Tsvi (Israel
C. Al' Azizyah (Libya) D. Sevile (Spain)

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