CSS :: Physical Geography

121.  A narrow strip of land connecting two larger land masses is called
A. Promontory B. Headland
C. Isthmus D. Land bridge

122.  Lap lace suggested that the material that later formed the solar system was originally a disc-shaped rotating
A. Pulsar B. Supernova
C. Star D. Nebulae

123.  Which one of the following is the proper order of seismic wave as they are received at the seismograph station?
A. L-wave, S-wave, P-wave B. S-wave, P-wave, L-wave
C. P-wave, S-wave, L-wave D. P-wave, L-wave, S-wave

124.  A 'Contour' is a line drawn on a map linking places
A. Of equal rainfall B. Having same atmospheric pressure
C. Of same height above mean sea level D. Of maximum temperature

125.  A vast area covered with deep ice and snow for a long time is known as a/an
A. Glacier B. Ice-berg
C. Ice-Valley D. Ice-cap

126.  Geyser refers to
A. A bright star B. A hot spring
C. Grazing area in temperate regions D. A warm ocean current

127.  The spinning of the earth on its imaginary axis is called
A. Revolution B. Rotation
C. Orbit D. Aphelion

128.  What is meant by the term Equinox?
A. The days on which the sun shines vertically over the tropics B. The phenomenon which occurs in a Leap Year
C. The period when the sun shines vertically over the Equator at noon D. The dates on which days and nights are exactly equal

129.  Isohyets refer to
A. Water sprouts B. Sun spots
C. Lines drawn on a map to join places having equal rainfall D. Sea living creatures

130.  The atmospheric layer nearest to the earth is known as
A. Ionosphere B. Mesosphere
C. Troposphere D. Stratosphere

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