Engineering :: Irrigation Engineering

241.  A deflecting groyne has a much
A. longer B. shorter

242.  A deflecting groyne in a river is
A. inclined towards upstream B. perpendicular to bank
C. inclined towards downstream D. none of these

243.  The length of groyne depends upon the magnitude of river training required.
A. Right B. Wrong

244.  Which of the following statement is wrong?
A. The impermeable groynes do not permit any flow through them. B. The impermeable groynes may be constructed by a core of locally available material like sand, clay and gravel.
C. The permeable groynes dampen the velocity and reduce the erosive action of the stream. D. none of the above

245.  A levee on flood
A. increases the water surface elevation of the river at flood B. decreases the surface slope of the stream above the leveed portion
C. increases the velocity and scouring action through leveed section D. all of the above

246.  A groyne with a curved head is known as
A. hockey groyne B. burma groyne
C. denehy groyne D. none of these

247.  When the bed level of the canal is higher than the highest flood level (H.F.L.) of the drainage, then the cross drainage work is said to be
A. aqueduct B. super-passage
C. canal syphon D. syphon aqueduct

248.  When the drain is over the canal, the structure provided is known as
A. aqueduct B. super-passage
C. canal syphon D. syphon aqueduct

249.  When the full supply level (F.S.L.) of the canal is much below the bed level of the drainage trough, then the cross drainage provided is called syphon aqueduct.
A. Yes B. No

250.  When a canal flowing under pressure is carried below a natural drainage such that its F.S.L. does not touch the under side of the supporting structure, the structure provided is super-passage.
A. Correct B. Incorrect

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