Engineering :: Irrigation Engineering

251.  When the levels are such that the F.S.L. of the canal is much above the bed level of the drainage trough, so that the canal runs under syphonic action under the trough, the structure provided is known as
A. syphon aqueduct B. level crossing
C. canal syphon D. super syphon

252.  When the irrigation canal and the drain are at the same level, then the cross drainage work is achieved by providing a
A. aqueduct B. super-passage
C. level crossing D. canal syphon

253.  In case of syphon aqueduct, the H.F.L. of the drain is
A. much below the bottom of the canal trough B. much higher above the canal bed
C. in level with the canal bed D. none of the above

254.  In a super-passage, the F.S.L. of the canal is
A. lower than the underside of the trough carrying drainage water B. above the bed level of the drainage trough
C. in level with the drainage trough D. none of the above

255.  In a syphon, the underside of the trough carrying drainage water is
A. lower than B. higher than
C. in level with

256.  In level crossing, the water level of canal is much higher than that of the drainage.
A. True B. False

257.  The bed of a canal is lowered in case of
A. syphon aqueduct B. canal syphon
C. level crossing D. all of these

258.  The floor of the aqueduct is subjected to uplift pressure due to
A. seepage of water from the canal to the drainage B. sub-soil water table in the drainage bed
C. both (a) and (b) D. none of the above

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