Engineering :: Highway Engineering

141.  Rolling terrain is a terrain with cross-slope of
A. upto 10% B. 10 to 25%
C. 25% to 60% D. greater than 60%

142.  A curve at the ridge of a hill having a convex shape is called a
A. valley curve B. summit curve
C. re-entrant curve D. salient curve

143.  A curve at the valley between two hills having a concave shape is called a valley curve.
A. Right B. Wrong

144.  A gradient at which no tractive force is required to maintain constant speed by a vehicle is called
A. average gradient B. limiting gradient
C. exceptional gradient D. floating gradient

145.  Steep terrain is a terrain with cross-slope greater than 60 percent.
A. Correct B. Incorrect

146.  Gradients more than the floating gradient result in the
A. decrease B. increase

147.  The width of the class 9 roads is
A. 2.45 m B. 3.65 m
C. 4.9 m D. 6 m

148.  Class-9 roads are designed to carry
A. jeeps B. 1-tonne vehicles
C. 3-tonne vehicles D. 10 tonne vehicles

149.  Class-5 roads have a width of
A. 2.45 m B. 3.65 m
C. 4.9 m D. 6 m

150.  Class-5 roads are designed to carry 3-tonne vehicles.
A. Yes B. No

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