CSS :: Sovereignty Of State

91.  Which one of the following statements is not correct?
A. Austin's theory of sovereignty is in keeping with the notions of popular sovereignty B. Austin's theory of sovereignty is not in keeping with the notions of popular sovereignty
C. Austin exaggerates the element of force when he describes law as a command of the sovereign D. Austin fails to draw a distinction between, legal and political sovereignty

92.  The Pluralistic theory of sovereignty was first propounded by:
A. Laski B. MacIver
C. Bodin D. Von Gierke

93.  The Pluralists are in favour of:
A. Denial of all sovereign power to the state B. Grant of absolute sovereign right to the state
C. Grant of limited sovereign powers to the state D. Grant of all powers to associations only

94.  The Pluralists believe that:
A. Sovereignty is exclusively vested in the state B. Sovereignty is shared by the various social, religious, economic and political groups
C. Sovereignty is the privilege of social and economic groups only D. Sovereignty rests with the United Nations

95.  Which one of the following statements is correct?
A. The legal sovereign is superior to political sovereign B. The legal sovereign is inferior to political sovereign
C. The legal sovereign is equal to political sovereign D. No relationship exists between the political and legal sovereign

96.  The Pluralists believe in:
A. Legal sovereignty B. Political sovereignty
C. Nominal Sovereign D. Absolute sovereignty

97.  One of the followings is a basic feature of Pluralist concept of sovereignty:
A. Absoluteness B. Inalienability
C. Divisibility D. Exclusiveness

98.  Pluralistic view of sovereignty was:
A. A reaction against denial of sovereignty to state B. A reaction against to much of importance attached to economic and social groups
C. Reaction against dogmatic legalism of Austinian theory of sovereignty D. A plea for an independent judiciary

99.  Pluralists believe that:
A. The state is a unique organization B. The state is as important as the other social, economic and religious groups
C. The other social, economic and religious groups are more important than the state D. State is controlled by other associations

100.  The main function of the state according to the Pluralists is:
A. To promote general welfare of its citizens B. To regulate the activities of various associations
C. To regulate production distribution of essential goods D. To provide social securities like unemployment allowance and old pension

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