CSS :: International Relations and World Organizations

111.  What does structural adjustment involve?
A. Measures to reduce inflation B. Measures to curb government expenditure
C. Deregulation D. All of the above

112.  What is the mercantilist view of IPE?
A. The world economy is where states seek to maximize their wealth and independence relative to other states B. The world economy is an arena of capitalist competition in which social groups are always in conflict
C. Free trade and free movement of capital shape the policies of governments and economic factors D. None of the above

113.  What is Dependency Theory?
A. Economic activity in the richer countries often leads to serious economic problems in the poorer countries B. Economics development of poorer countries is positively dependent on economical growth of richer countries
C. Economic growth is beneficial to all D. None of the above

114.  Under what conditions will states create international institutions?
A. For mutual gains B. Only where position relative to other states is not affected
C. They arise as reflections of identities and interest of states and groups which are themselves forged though interactions D. Depends on the school of thought

115.  What does Jus and bellum means?
A. Justice and Beauty B. Justice and Order
C. The principle that states must observe treaties D. Laws of war governing when it is legal to use force to or wage war

116.  What is necessary before a rule can be considered customary international law?
A. Evidence of general state practice B. That it is enshrined in a treaty
C. Evidence that states accept such practice as law D. Both (a) and (c)

117.  What are the three levels of institutions in modern international society?
A. States, NGO's, IGO's B. Constitutional institutions, fundamental institutions, and regimes
C. Local, national and international D. None of the above

118.  What are the distinctive characteristics of the modern institution of international law?
A. A peculiar language of reasoning and argument B. Multilateral form of legislation
C. A strong discourse of institutional autonomy D. All of the above

119.  How has the nature and scope of international society been conditioned by international legal instruments?
A. They have defined the nature of legitimate statehood B. Legal instruments have given it a code of ethics, and a universal standard of order
C. They have clarified the bounds of rightful state action, international and domestic D. Both (a) and (c)

120.  What are the distinctive characteristics of international legal arguments?
A. They tend to be bound by the policies of states B. They are limited to the scope of the legislation at hand
C. They are rhetorical as well as logical D. Both (b) and (c)

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