CSS :: USA Constitution

121.  Money Bills can originate only in:
A. The Senate B. The house of representatives
C. The House of Lords D. The House of Commons

122.  The Presiding officer of the US Senate is:
A. The President B. The vice-President
C. The President Pro-tempore D. The Attorney General

123.  During the absence of the Vice-President, the Senate is presided by:
A. The President B. The President Pro-tempore
C. The Speaker D. The Attorney General

124.  The term of US Senators is:
A. 2 years B. 4 years
C. 6 years D. 5 years

125.  A Senator must be at least:
A. 25 years old B. 30 years old
C. 35 years old D. None of the above

126.  In the beginning, the Senate was comprised on:
A. 20 members B. 25 members
C. 26 members D. 29 members

127.  The Speaker of the House of Representatives owes allegiance to:
A. Majority Party B. Opposition Party
C. No Party D. None of these

128.  In case of impeachment of a President, the Senate is required a majority of:
A. One-fourth B. Two-thirdd
C. Three-fourth D. Half

129.  The Congress sits at a place in Washington called near White House:
A. Capital Hill B. Mount Everest
C. 10 Downing Street D. None of these

130.  In US, in case of impeachment of President which Chamber sits as the Cief Court of Justice:
A. The Senate B. House of Representatives
C. House of Commons D. House of Lords

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