Engineering :: Mechanical Measurements

211.  Which of the following temperature is highest.
A. Melting point of gold B. melting point of silver
C. melting point of steel D. None of the above

212.  The adhesion between the surface of property wrung gage blocks is of the order of
A. 0-5 atmospheres B. 5-10 atmospheres
C. 20-30 atmospheres D. none of the above

213.  A thermistor is basically an instrument for the measurement of
A. pressure B. flow
C. speed D. temperature

214.  In a thermocouple, the potential between the two junctions is due to the temperature gradient along the conductors in the circuit. This effect is named as
A. Peltier's effect B. Thomson's effect
C. Seebeck effect D. none of the above

215.  McLeod gage is used to measure
A. pressure B. vacuum
C. Flow rate D. None of the above

216.  Which of the following material has maximum temperature coefficient of resistance
A. Nichrome V B. Isoelastic
C. Manganin D. Monel

217.  Which of the following materials has maximum resistivity
A. Nichrome B. Isoeleastic
C. Karma D. None of the above

218.  A geodimeter is used for the measurement of
A. area B. angles
C. distance D. None of the above

219.  Flow in an open channel can be measured by
A. a manometer B. orifice
C. nozzle D. None of the above

220.  Elastic members such as Bourdon tube are used to
A. change force into velocity B. change force into displacement
C. change force into stress D. None of the above

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