Engineering :: Automobile Engineering

151.  As a general rule if facing on the friction disc are worn down to the rivet heads
A. Rivets should be replaced B. Rivets head should be filed
C. The friction disc should be replaced D. The clutch should be replaced
E. The linkage should be adjusted    

152.  In case of friction clutch the coefficient of friction is expected to be
A. 0.01 B. 0.1
C. 0.15 to 0.17 D. 0.4 to 0.5
E. 0.85 to 0.90    

153.  In order to engage securely and prevent dragging the clearance between release bearing and release collar in a clutch is usually
A. 2 - 3 mm B. 10 - 15 mm
C. 20 - 25 mm D. 30 - 35 mm
E. 40 - 50 mm    

154.  Executive clutch clearance caused by improper adjustment or wear of sliding sleeve, generally results in
A. Clutch slip B. Clutch failure to disengage
C. Clutch plate over heating D. Uneven clutch engagement
E. Any of the above    

155.  Engine pistons are generally made of aluminium alloy because
A. It is lighter B. It is stronger
C. It has less wear D. It absorbs shocks
E. It does not react with fuel as well as lubricating oil    

156.  Piston compression rings are made of
A. Cast iron B. Steel
C. Aluminium D. Bronze
E. White metal    

157.  Gudgeon pins are made of
A. Same material as that of piston B. Cast iron
C. Aluminium D. Hardened and ground steel
E. White metal    

158.  Radiator tubes are generally made of
A. Steel B. Brass
C. Cast iron D. Plastics
E. Rubber    

159.  The brake pipes in hydraulic brake systems are made of
A. Rubber B. Polyvinylchloride
C. Plastic D. Aluminium
E. Steel    

160.  In a diesel engine the pipe carrying fuel from fuel pump to nozzle is made of
A. Plastic B. P.V.C.
C. Steel D. Copper
E. Aluminium    

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