CSS :: Watershed and Range Management

131.  Creation of Public awareness of the problem is / are :
A. Although the mountain main can see that the ground on which he is living is gradually slipping from under his feet, every other day he comes across land-slips, land-slides, disappearance of once fertile agricultural land, scarce vegetation even becoming s B. He would see village after vanishing around him, but prefers to adopt a casual care-free attitude.
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

132.  The use of incentives approaches is / are:
A. Due to a variety of measures such as terracing, plantations and restricted grazing B. The traditional freedom of the inhabitants is curbed in the uplands and they become reluctant to accept offers of improvement
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

133.  Introduction of small-scale rural uplift schemes approaches is / are :
A. Most of the projects implemented in the watersheds involving soil and water conservation measures B. The major benefits are derived largely by the people living in the plains
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

134.  Training and education approaches is / are:
A. The inhabitants of the upland areas usually do not have the required known-how for conceiving, planning and implementing the watershed management program B. It would be appropriate that vocational training centers are set up in suitable localities
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

135.  Transfer of information and technology approaches is / are:
A. Although considerable data have been collected and are available pertaining to the case studies B. And research conducted it is observed that exchange of information
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

136.  Watershed planning approaches is / are:
A. Management of a catchment to provide maximum benefit for man implies utilization of the planning process B. Indentification of the existing conditions of a catchment in terms of physical, social and economic consideration with subsequent development of management plans to attain short and long term goals is prerequisite to maintaining productive watersheds
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

137.  Need for planning objectives is / are :
A. Needed to permit appropriate decision making in the plan development phase B. Such as rehabilitation of severely eroded lands, protection of sensitive areas, improvement of water yield, reduction in flooding and / or siltation, etc.
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

138.  Management constraints - the constraints of management need to be identified in the initial phase of planning:
A. Physical B. Biological
C. Social D. Institutional
E. All of the above    

139.  The major factors related to organizational structure are:
A. One agency which is directly involved with the resources to be managed should be responsibly for plan development and implementation B. Planning for multi-resources should include input from all of the technical and social sectors from various agencies, local communities, etc.
C. The project funding should be D. All of the above

140.  Watershed management planning phases is / are:
A. Reconaissance Survey B. Local or watershed level survey
C. Watershed inventory D. All of the above

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