CSS :: Watershed and Range Management

111.  In Pakistan about ________ area is arid or semi arid and agriculture is not possible without irrigation:
A. 40% B. 50%
C. 60% D. 70%

112.  The importance of watershed management was realized when Pakistan signed Indus Water Treaty with India through which right of water of ______ was given to India while Pakistan has the right on river Indus and Jhelum:
A. Chenab B. Ravi
C. Sutlij D. All of the above

113.  Mangla dam on river:
A. Jhelum B. Chenab
C. Indus D. Ravi

114.  Tarbela dam on river:
A. Jhelum B. Chenab
C. Indus D. Ravi

115.  Tarbela dam is being silted at ______ acre feet per year while Mangla is being silted at a rate of _____ acre feet per year due to misuse of their watershed area:
A. 109000, 42,000 B. 110000, 43000
C. 115000, 44,000 D. None of these

116.  Main source of energy in Pakistan is :
A. Hydro-electricity B. Atomic energy
C. Coal energy D. None of these

117.  Government of Pakistan has realized the importance of watershed management and an extensive watershed development programme is being implemented in:
A. Northern part of the country B. Azad Jammu and Kashmir
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

118.  Special courses have been introduced at:
A. Pakistan Forest Institute B. Forest Schools
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

119.  Watershed regions of Pakistan is/are:
A. Which are sufficiently homogeneous in themselves B. But distinct from each other in two major characteristics i.e., land form and climate, the factors which mainly determing the framework for watershed management
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

120.  Main watershed regions and their problems are:
A. The northern mountain region B. The uplands of northern Punjab
C. The western mountain region D. The southwest Boluchistan plateau
E. All of the above    

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