CSS :: Ecology and General Silviculture

241.  Typical successions in forest are:
A. Riverain B. Esturine
C. Confierous D. All of the above

242.  Plant associations refer:
A. A group or community of plants living together in common habitat B. A group may include different species of plants, belonging to different families
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

243.  Hydrophytes (Acquatic Plants) means:
A. A reduction of the protective, conducting and supporting tissues B. Absences of palisade tissue
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

244.  Hygrophytes (Moisture loving plants) means:
A. The pants are usually stunted in growth B. Roots and stem are poorly developed
C. Leaves are large and tend to avoid water less lam transpiration D. All of the above

245.  Mesophytes means:
A. Are ordinary plants growing under average conditions B. The occupy intermediate conditions between xerophyte and hydrophytes
C. Some trees and stress with deciduous leaves show marked seasonal differences D. All of the above

246.  Xerophytes means:
A. Grow in desert or dry, hot, sandy place with scanty rainfall B. A desert habitant is characterized by Blarcity of water in soil, extremely dry intense light, high temp and strong winds
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

247.  The modes of Perennation are:
A. Evergreen trees B. Deciduous trees
C. Herbaceous perennials D. All of the above

248.  The major types of soil are recognized on the basis of their mode of accumulation and include:
A. Residual B. Transported
C. Colluvial D. Alluvial
E. All of the above    

249.  The Organic contents of soil are:
A. Humus B. Mull
C. Peat and Much D. All of the above

250.  Soil water depicts:
A. Gravitational B. Capillary
C. Hygroscopic D. All of the above

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