Engineering :: Highway Engineering

261.  A complete signal-time cycle constitutes
A. red timing B. yellow timing
C. green timing D. all of these

262.  Flashing yellow beam are sometimes employed as
A. stopping signal B. proceeding signal
C. warning signal D. none of these

263.  In large cities, especially in congested areas, one way streets are provided in order to
A. reduce to a minimum the possible conflicting points B. increase the carrying capacity of the street
C. eliminate, at night, the glare from head lamps of opposite vehicles D. all of the above

264.  The parking of vehicles is usually preferred at 75? to the aisles.
A. True B. False

265.  In case of multi-lane road, overtaking is generally permitted from
A. left side B. right side
C. both sides D. any one of these

266.  At a road junction,
A. 5 B. 7
C. 9 D. 16

267.  The factor which governs the installation of signals, is
A. minimum vehicular volume from different streets at an intersection B. minimum pedestrian volume of an intersection
C. need for interruption of high volume continuous traffic on main street D. all of the above

268.  Dead slow' is a
A. regulatory sign B. warning sign
C. informatory sign D. none of these

269.  Level crossing' is a
A. regulatory sign B. warning sign
C. informatory sign D. none of these

270.  End of speed limit' is a
A. regulatory sign B. warning sign
C. informatory sign D. none of these

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