Engineering :: Concrete Technology

131.  The sum of percentages of all deleterious materials in the aggregate shall not exceed
A. 5% B. 10%
C. 15% D. 20%

132.  The resistance of an aggregate to compressive forces is known as
A. crushing value B. impact value
C. abrasion value D. none of these

133.  The resistance of an aggregate to sudden compressive forces is called impact value.
A. Correct B. Incorrect

134.  The resistance of an aggregate to wear is known as
A. shear value B. crushing value
C. abrasion value D. impact value

135.  The resistance of an aggregate to the effect of hydration of cement and weather is called
A. crushing value B. impact value
C. abrasion value D. soundness

136.  Los Angeles machine is used to perform the abrasion resistance test of an aggregate.
A. Right B. Wrong

137.  The impact value of an aggregate is generally used as an alternative to its crushing value, to know the quality of aggregate.
A. Yes B. No

138.  Bulking of sand is
A. compacting of sand B. segregating sand of particular size
C. increase in volume of sand due to presence of moisture upto certain extent D. none of the above

139.  With the moisture content of 5 to 10% by weight, the bulking of sand is increased by
A. 20% B. 30%
C. 40% D. 50%

140.  When the sand is fully saturated, its volume is
A. equal to B. less than
C. more than

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