CSS :: Ecology and General Silviculture

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251.  The soil moisture constants are:
A. Hygroscopic co-efficient B. Water holding capacity
C. Field Capacity D. All of the above

252.  The major types of soil erosion are:
A. Normal or geological B. Accelerated
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

253.  Accelerated soil erosion factors are:
A. Soil erosion by water B. Soil erosion by wind
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

254.  Causes of accelerated erosion are:
A. Removal of the natural vegetation cover B. Cultivation of land by crops which expose the soil to direct rain impact and runoff water
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

255.  Soil erosion factors include:
A. Amount of rainfall B. Slope length
C. Slope gradient D. Soil erodibility
E. All of the above    

256.  The major types of water erosion are:
A. Splash B. Sheet
C. Rill D. Gully
E. None of these    

257.  The major types of wind erosion are:
A. Siltation B. Soil creep
C. Suspension D. All of the above

258.  The factors to control of wind erosion are:
A. The soil should be kept moist as far as possible especially in the season of windstorms. Moist soil is less vulnerable to wind erosion than dry soil B. Wind breaks by planting tree in rows or shelter belts of any means are effective in wind erosion
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

259.  What is silvicultural system?
A. It is the process by which the crops constituting a forest are tended, removed and replaced by new crops, resulting in the production on woods of a distinctive form: B. Rearing of silk worm
C. It is a kind of upland watersheds D. None of these

260.  The essence of silvicultural system:
A. The methods adopted for the regeneration of the crop B. The character of the crops produced by such system
C. Distribution of the age-classes over the area of the forest D. All of the above

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