CSS :: Human Genetics and Eugenics

71.  One of the way of determining sex-linked inheritance is:
A. Sons resemble father and daughters the mother B. Sons resemble mother and the daughters the father
C. Both sons and daughters resemble mother D. Both sons and daughters resemble father

72.  In colour blindness the person fails to distinguish:
A. Any colour of the spectrum B. Only red and green colours
C. Only red colour D. Only green colour

73.  Colour blindness in man is a:
A. Sex-linked disorder B. None of these

74.  Correct situation of chromosomes in man is:
A. 44 autosomes + 4 sex chromosomes B. 44 autosomes + 2 sex chromosomes
C. 44 autosomes + one sex chromosome D. None of these

75.  Traits controlled by X-chromosome are said to the:
A. Sex-linked disorder B. Sex-limited
C. Sex-influenced D. None of these

76.  Which of these is totally a genetic disorder:
A. Albinism B. Diptheria
C. Tuberculosis D. Leucoderma

77.  Albinism is a:
A. Hereditory disease B. Contagious disease
C. Deficiency disease D. Sex-linked disease

78.  If a normal woman marries an albino man and gets two normal and two albino sons then the woman is:
A. Homoxygous B. Heterozygous
C. Hemizygous D. Azygous

79.  Heterozygous woman and man for pigmentation would have:
A. All normal children B. All albino children
C. Some normal some albino D. All with leucoderma

80.  Albinos are reported only in:
A. White race B. Black race
C. Both (a) & (b) D. None of these

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