CSS :: Sociological Theory

61.  Ibn-e-Khaldun believes in
A. "movement" from primitive to civilised culture. B. a tendency to feel and act in a certain way.
C. none of above

62.  Herbert Spenser was born in
A. England B. Tunis
C. Egypt

63.  "Principles of Biology" was written by
A. Ibn-e-Khaldun B. Herbert Spencer
C. P. V. Young

64.  "Principles of Biology" was written by
A. Herbert Spencer B. P.V. Young
C. Karl Marx

65.  "Principles of Sociology" was written by
A. Emile Durkheim B. P.V. Young
C. Herbert Spencer

66.  "Social Statics" was published in
A. 1850 B. 1855
C. 1900

67.  In "Social Statics", Spencer gave ideas on
A. Social change B. Progress
C. culture

68.  Spencer pointed out that
A. three basic laws are in operation. B. Society is changing.
C. No law in society.

69.  Spencer is known as
A. scientist B. second founding father of sociology
C. analyst

70.  Charles H. Cooley was
A. scientist B. American professor
C. analyst

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