CSS :: Development Theories and Under Development

81.  The Mandan theory of development was greatly influenced by:
A. The English classical school B. The German historical school
C. By both the above schools D. By none of the above two schools

82.  Which one of the following points of criticism levelled against Marx's theory of development is wrong?
A. Marx wrongly argued that it is in capitalists interest to maintain in part of labour force permanently unemployed to keep wages low B. Mandan theory finds a contradiction in the retention of surplus value by the capitalist and increase in the real wages
C. It wrongly assumes that the wages of workers under capitalism remain near subsistence level, and there is no scope for their increased D. None of the above

83.  Non-classical theory of development became necessary:
A. Due to technological and resource discoveries of the nineteenth century B. Deu to fast deteriorating condition of the workers in Europe
C. Due to fear of revolution created by the preaching's Marx D. Due to all the above reasons

84.  The neo-classical thinkers:
A. Reiterated their faith in the people that wages are determined by supply and demand B. Asserted that the wages are determined by the productivity of the last worker employed
C. Asserted that the wages of workers had consistently increased D. None of the above

85.  Which one of the following statements is correct?
A. Neo-classical thinkers were against existing privileges B. Neo-classical thinkers justified the existing social order
C. Neo-classical thinkers revolutionaries D. None of the above

86.  Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a feature of model of development offered by neo-classical thinkers?
A. Development is a gradual and continuous process B. The process of development has harmonious and cumulative nature
C. They are quite optimistic about the possibilities of continued economic progress D. None of the above

87.  The new-classical writers believed that economic development benefits:
A. All the major income groups B. Only the capitalists
C. Only the workers D. None of the above

88.  Who looked upon economic development as a race between capital accumulation and population growth?
A. Marxian writers B. Classical writers
C. Neo-classical writers D. All the three

89.  The chief defect of the neo-Classical theory of development is:
A. It attaches too much importance to factors like political stability and attitude of the people B. It completely ignores factors like political stability and attitudes of people
C. It refused to consider development as a gradual and continuous process D. It completely ignores the importance of interest as a factor in establishing equilibrium between supply of savings and demand for capital

90.  Schumpeter is associated with:
A. Neo-classical theory of development B. Narxian theory of development
C. Theory of entrepreneur D. None of the above theories

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