CSS :: Development Theories and Under Development

71.  The classical thinkers envisaged development:
A. With the assistance of the government B. Without interference by the government
C. Under the guidance of the government D. Though the combination of all the above methods

72.  The most elaborate exposition of classical theory of development was offered by:
A. Adam Smith B. Ricardo
C. J.S. Mill D. Malthus

73.  The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817) which deals with the classical theory of development was written by:
A. Ricardo B. Adam Smith
C. J.S. Mill D. Malthus

74.  According to Ricardo the key role in economic development is played by:
A. The Labourers B. The landlords
C. The capitalists D. The scientists

75.  The labour theory of value which formed one of the feature of theory of development offered by Racardo was:
A. His original idea B. Borrowed from Adam Smith
C. Borrowed from Marx D. None of the above

76.  The classical economicts opposed government interference because:
A. It keeps prices of food high by levying high tariffs B. It subsidized the poor
C. It encouraged overpopulation D. It appropriated a part of purposes
E. On account of all the above reasons    

77.  Which one of the following criticism levelled against the classical theory of development is not correct?
A. It underestimated the possibility of technological progress B. It failed to adequately analyze the problem of maintaining aggregate demand
C. It attached too much importance to the role of technology in development D. None of the above

78.  Marxian theory of development:
A. Was essentially an economic theory B. Was essentially a socio-economic theory
C. Was a blend of economic, sociological, political factors

79.  The capital accumulation which according to Marx, contributes to development is rendered possible by:
A. Technological improvement B. Reduction of wages
C. Increase in working hours D. None of the above

80.  Which one of the following features has been wrongly listed as one of the ingredient of Marxian theory of development?
A. Class-struggle B. Theory of surplus value
C. Centralisation of capital D. None of the above

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