CSS :: Development Theories and Under Development

51.  Jacob Vinar in his underdevellpment theory has laid stress on:
A. Per capita income B. Rate of production
C. Growth rate D. International trade

52.  Who of the following has said that, 'underdevelopment has been the normal state of all human societies"?
A. G.A. Almond B. Edward A. Shills
C. Jacob Vinar D. Jean Eatwell
E. None of these    

53.  About underdevelopment it has been said that capitalism:
A. Is always opposed to it B. It seldom opposed to it
C. Helps maintaining status quo D. At times it helps in development but at times not

54.  According to Karl Max capitalism helped in:
A. Removing underdevelopment B. Encouraging underdevelopment
C. Maintaining status quo D. Effected underdevelopment in no way

55.  The theory of underdevelopment indicates inter-relationship of:
A. Commerce and industry B. Technology and trade
C. Developed and developing countries D. Developing countries among themselves
E. Underdeveloped countries among themselves    

56.  Development means:
A. Increase in national income from one year to another B. Increase in real per capita income over an extended period of time
C. Increase in real investment over a period of time D. The national income should keep pace with the increase in population

57.  A short term development:
A. Does not constitute development B. Constitutes development provided there is steep rise in the living standard
C. Is development if there is increase in aggregate output D. None of the above

58.  Which one of the following is not a contributory factor for development?
A. Abundance of national resources B. Character of people
C. Frequent and free elections D. Level of technology

59.  Population contributes development by
A. Providing labour force B. Consuming the products
C. Neither of the above D. Providing labour force as well as consuming products

60.  Those who view development not in purely economic terms but in socio cultural matrix attribute the development to:
A. The form of government B. The legal system
C. Standards of education and health D. All the above

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