CSS :: International Relations and World Organizations

21.  What was the principle of self-determination in Wilson's 14 points?
A. That each 'people' should enjoy self-government over its sovereign nation state B. That a state can take over territory if it sees it as necessary for its national interest
C. The pursuit of national economic self-sufficiency D. That members of the League of Nations world take an attack on a member as an attack on them all

22.  How might the Treaty of Versailles have contributed to World War II?
A. It was too, hard economically on Germany B. The principle of self determination was not applied to Germany and the consequent territorial arrangements were harsh
C. It bequeathed Germany's legitimate grievances D. All of the above

23.  What significant domestic events occurred in the USSR between the wars?
A. The Bolshevik revolution under Stalin B. Stalin came to power concentrating on socialism and introduced the first five year plan
C. Lenin concluded a separate peace treaty with Germany D. None of the above

24.  What was the Manchurian Crisis?
A. China slipped into civil war as Guomindang Nationalists fought Mao Zedong's Communist party B. Japan occupied Manchuria and established Manchuguo. The League of Nations took no forcible action against Japan thereby failing to deter future imperial expansion
C. Japan failed to get racial equality written into the Treaty of Versailles D. Japan suffered from an earthquake in 1923 resulting in a hundred thousand deaths

25.  Which of the following contributed to war in Asia and the Pacific?
A. US provided China with military assistance B. US cancelled its 1911 trade agreement with Japan
C. Japan sought to acquire territories in South-East Asia D. All of the above

26.  What was 'appeasement'? Was it a good policy?
A. A policy of making concessions to Germany in hopes that settlement of more modest claims will calm that state's expansionist appetites. It was a good policy B. A policy that people should appease themselves through self-determination. It was a good policy
C. A policy of making concessions to Germany in hopes that settlement of more modest claims will calm that state's expansionist appetites. It was not a good policy D. A policy that people should appease themselves through self-determination. It was not a good policy

27.  What is Lebensraum?
A. Living space - i.e. Aryan Germans must expand eastward and fulfill its racial and historical destiny as the fittest race B. A place where Hitler's targets of oppression convened
C. The belief that Aryan Germans are the most superior race D. None of the above

28.  Total War refers to:
A. The US dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan B. How the two world wars were not only global in scale but the pursuit of unconditional surrender from opponents
C. The pursuit of national economic self-sufficiency D. The dues owed by the vanquished nations to their victorious former enemies

29.  Autarky refers to:
A. The dues owed by the vanquished nations to their victorious former enemies B. The policy of making concessions to a revanchist state
C. The pursuit of national economic self-sufficiency D. All of the above

30.  How did World War II alter the global balance of power?
A. From Germany to France B. From Germany and USSR to Japan
C. To the USSR D. To the US

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