CSS :: International Relations and World Organizations

91.  How did constructivism offer new insight into the study of international relations?
A. It focused on the decision-makers and their backgrounds B. It looked at how diplomatic institutions are constructed
C. It demonstrated how attention to norms and states identities could help uncover previously neglected D. None of the above

92.  What is social theory concerned with?
A. It is concerned with the interaction of individuals with international agents B. It is concerned with how to conceptualise the relationship between agents and structures
C. It is concerned with the way government structures determine social and individual behaviour D. All of the above

93.  What are stories about of diffusion?
A. Explanations about how particular organizational models, practices, norms, strategies, or beliefs spread within a population B. Ides of how an ideology becomes widespread
C. An obscure mechanical problem in automobiles D. None of the above

94.  What are the causes of diffusion of social institutions?
A. Coercion and strategic competition B. Formal and informal pressures: symbolic or economic
C. Recommendation of professional associations and expert communities D. All of the above

95.  What are the three stages of the life cycle of norms?
A. Norm imposition, norm rejection, norm decline B. Norm emergence, norm rejection, norm internalisation
C. Norm emergence, norm climax, norm decline D. None of the above

96.  In yecent years which of the following developments have undermined realism?
A. Neo-liberal institutionalism B. Globalization
C. Positivism D. All of the above

97.  Theories can be distinguished according to whether they are:
A. Explanatory or constitutive B. Foundational or anti-foundational
C. Liberal or anti-liberal D. Both (a) and (b)

98.  The three main theories comprising the inter-paradigm debate were based on which positivist assumption?
A. The three main theories comprising the inter-paradigm debate were based on which positivist assumption? B. That social science should aim to use the same methodology as science
C. That human beings are rational D. None of the above

99.  Contemporary historical sociology looks at:
A. How societies developed before the middle ages B. Interaction between states, classes, capitalism and war
C. It does not look at feminism and post-modernism D. Both (a) and (b)

100.  The key distinction in normative theory is between:
A. Cosmopolitanism and communitarianism B. Cosmopolitanism and post modernism
C. Feminism and post modernism D. Communitarianism and post modernism

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