CSS :: Evolutionary Socialism

71.  Classical Liberals believed that:
A. Men should be governed by men B. Men should be governed by law
C. Men should be governed by the system of administrative law D. There should be no rule of law

72.  According to Classical Liberals:
A. No one should be sentenced without trial B. No property should be confiscated without compensation
C. Application of law could not depend on the whims of law makers D. Any person could be put to death without trial

73.  Classical Liberals believed in fiscal liberty for the:
A. Rich B. Poor
C. Land owners D. Middle classes

74.  From personal liberty Classical Liberals meant individual liberty but:
A. Provision for state intervention B. Provision for church to invade privacy
C. Spying on activities where necessary D. Without governmental or church control

75.  Classical Liberals means that hereditary advantages should be:
A. Brought to an end B. Continued
C. Continued but in a limited manner D. Continued but in a modified form

76.  According to Classical Liberals:
A. One nation had a right to exploit the other B. Strong nations could exploit the weak ones
C. Poor nations could be exploited by the rich D. No nation had right to exploit the other

77.  According to Classical Liberals:
A. Rights of all were equal B. The educated should have more rights
C. More rights should be enjoyed by propertied class D. The rulers should have more rights than others

78.  Modern Liberalism has been expounded by:
A. Herbert Spencer B. John Dewey
C. Bentham D. C.E.M. Joad

79.  Modern Liberalism speaks for:
A. Capitalist class B. Working class
C. Educated class D. Middle class
E. Mass of mankind    

80.  Which one of the following is not true about democratic socialism?
A. Motive of industry should be profit earning B. Industry should aim at social service
C. Social needs should be cared by industry D. None of the above

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