CSS :: Electorate and Representation

81.  Under single transferable vote system each voter can:
A. Indicate only two preferences B. Indicate only one preference
C. Indicate one preference less than the seats to be filled up D. Indicate as many preferences as there are candidates to be elected

82.  Under the List System there are:
A. Single-member constituencies B. Two member constituencies
C. Nulti-member constituencies D. None of the above

83.  Under the List system each voter enjoys:
A. Only one vote B. As many votes as there are seats to be filled up
C. One vote less than total number of seats to be filled up D. Two votes

84.  Under the List System each voter :
A. Votes for the list as a whole B. Can pick up candidates from various lists
C. Can indicate candidates in the votes D. Can prepare his own list from amongst the candidates

85.  Under the List System the list of the contesting candidates is prepared by:
A. Each political party B. The voters
C. The Election Commissioner D. Mutual consent of the political parties contesting elections

86.  The Limited vote Plan, which is a scheme for minority representation, entitles each voter to cast
A. Only one vote B. As many votes as there are candidates to be elected
C. One vote less than the seats to be filled up D. Cast all his votes in favour of any single candidate

87.  The Limited Vote Plan is defective in so far as it
A. Provides representation to small minorities alone B. Provides representation to the majorities alone
C. Provides representation to large minorities only D. Provides no representation to the minorities

88.  The three important schemes representation of minorities are:
A. Limited vote plan, Cumulative Vote Plan and Reservation of Seats B. Proportional Representation, Territorial Representation and Communal Representation
C. Universal Adult Franchise, Secret Ballot and Functional Representation

89.  The Cunulative Volting Plan, which gives to each voter as many votes as there are seats to be filled up, requires the voter
A. To cast all his votes in favour of one B. Not to cast all his votes in favour of anyone candidate
C. To divide the votes amongst the candidates D. Give all votes to one candidate or list for which he divides them between two or more candidates according to his choice

90.  Communal Representation means:
A. Representation on the basis of ideology B. Representation on the basis of cast
C. Representation on the basis of religion D. Representation on the basis of profession

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