CSS :: Electorate and Representation

71.  A sinle-member constituency means:
A. A constituency from which only one candidate contests the election B. A constituency from which a candidate is returned unopposed
C. A constituency from which a number of candidates may contest but only one member is elected D. None of the above

72.  One of the chief merits of single member constituencies is:
A. People have a very limited choice in the selection of their representatives B. Intimate relationship is possible between the electors and the representative
C. Local interests are given precedence over national interests D. Minority may get over representation

73.  One of the main defects of the single-member constituencies is:
A. Intimate relationship is not possible between the elector and representative B. Intimate relations are possible between the electors and the representative
C. Every region gets adequate representation in the Parliament D. Peoples choice regarding representative is narrowed

74.  Multi-member constituency means:
A. Constituency from which a number of candidates contest but only one of them is finally elected B. Constituency from which a number of candidates contest but only two of them are finally elected
C. When several members are elected from the same constituency D. Nixie of the above

75.  A Multi-member constituency is better than single-member constituency because
A. It provides greater freedom to the people in selecting their representatives B. It encourages the growth of a number of political parties
C. It is easy for the poor man to contest elections D. It ensures more stable ministries

76.  Minority representation means
A. Representation to persons below the age of about hood, so that they may be able to protect the interests of the minors B. Representation to the various minorities present in a state
C. Representation to propertied classes which form a minority of the total community D. None of the above

77.  Proportional Representation is a method of representation which:
A. Provides votes to the people keeping in view their property B. Provides extra votes to the educated people
C. Provides representation to all the political parties D. Provides representation to each group of party in proportion to its voting strength

78.  The two prominent schemes of proportional representation are:
A. Hare Scheme and List System B. Universal Adult Franchise and Direct Elections
C. Reservation of Seats and Direct Election D. Direct Election and Communal Representation

79.  Under the Hare Scheme every voter enjoys:
A. One effective role B. As many votes as there are seas to be filled
C. One vote less than the number of seats to be filled up D. Only two votes

80.  The Quota under the Hare Scheme is determined by:
A. Dividing the total number of votes by two B. Dividing the total number of valid polled votes by the number of seats to be filled up plus one and by adding one to the quotient
C. The number of votes in fixed by law before the election is held D. The number of votes is decided by all the contesting candidates before the election

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