CSS :: Electorate and Representation

51.  Franchise means:
A. Vote B. Right to vote
C. Right to vote granted to women D. Right to vote granted to men

52.  Electorate means:
A. The body of voters B. The elected representatives of people
C. The nominated members of parliament D. The candidates who actually contest the elections

53.  Suffrage means
A. Enactment of bad laws which cause suffering to common people B. The right to vote
C. Right to vote granted to people with property D. Right to vote granted to ad without discrimination

54.  Universal Adult Franchise means
A. Right to vote granted to all University graduates B. Rught to vote granted to all adult citizens
C. Right to vote granted to all men D. Rgith to vote granted to citizens who pay taxes

55.  One of the strong opponents of the universal adult franchise was:
A. Marx B. Laski
C. Rousseau D. J.S.Mill

56.  Who said that universal adult franchise is no really universal?
A. Laski B. Gilchrist
C. Gettell D. Gamer

57.  The Universal Adult feature of:
A. Democratic system B. Totalitarian system
C. All systems D. None of the above

58.  The Universal Adult Franchise is a indication of the principle of the:
A. Legal sovereignty B. Political sovereignty
C. Popular sovereignty D. National sovereignty

59.  Universal Adult Franchise is justified on the ground that:
A. It leads to rule by ignorants B. It makes the parliament very powerful
C. It gives power to the elected representatives of people D. It gives practical shape to the principle of popular sovereignty

60.  One of the chief defects of Universal Adult Franchise is:
A. It gives chance to a common man to be associated with the decisions of the government B. It protects the rights of minorities
C. It lays emphasis on the principle of equality D. It leads to rule by ignorants

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