CSS :: Electorate and Representation

91.  Communal representation pre-supposes the existence of:
A. A Joint electorate B. Separate electorates
C. Reservation of seats D. There can be both joint as well as separate electorates

92.  Limited Vote Plan is a scheme of:
A. Minority representation B. Proportional representation
C. Majority rule D. Free and fair elections

93.  Territorial Representation means:
A. Election of representatives on the basis of an area or locality B. Election of the representatives on the basis of their profession
C. Election of the representatives by various local government institutions D. Election of representatives who own land

94.  Functional Representation means:
A. Representation of government functionaries B. Representation on vocational basis
C. The functions of the representatives are well defined D. The representatives are free to function as they like

95.  One of the strong advocates of Functional Representation was:
A. Rousseau B. Mirabeau
C. Marx D. Engels

96.  One of the chief merits of functional representation is:
A. It encourages people to think in terms of their class interests B. It ensures equitable representation to the various professions
C. It promotes national unity D. It secures representation to various interests and makes the parliament a truly representative body

97.  Second Ballot system, another method for minority representation, implies:
A. Each voter has two votes B. Voting is held as many times as necessary until a candidate is elected with an absolute majority of votes
C. Voting is held at the most for three times D. Voting is held twice, and in the second voting the contest is held between the two candidates who secure maximum votes in the first voting

98.  One of the chief merits of second ballot system is:
A. Poor candidates are deterred from contesting the election B. There is no scope for corruption
C. It gives satisfaction to people that they are being governed by a representative elected by absolute majority D. The political parties come to playa dominant role

99.  "Really I think that the poorest he that is in England bath a life, as the greatest he, and therefore truly, sir, I think it is clear that every man that is to live under a government ought first by his own consent to put himself under the government, and I do think that the poorest ram in England is not at all bound in a strict sense to the Government that he bath not had a voice to put himself under". The statement argues for
A. Rule according to the consent of the governed B. Rule of the poor
C. Expropriation of the rich D. Distribution of wealth equally to all

100.  Which one of the followings is the most important feature of elections?
A. Elimination of multi-party system B. Helping citizens maintain their rights
C. Peaceful change of government D. Removal of bottlenecks in the working of democracy

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