CSS :: Ecology and General Silviculture

61.  The bacteria which attack the dead animals are:
A. First link of the food chain and are known as primary producers B. Second link of the food chain and are herbivouous
C. Third link of the food chain and are tertiary consumers D. The end of the food chain and are decomposers

62.  A plant, being eaten by a herbivore which in turn is eaten by a carnivore, makes a:
A. Food chain B. Web of food
C. Biomass D. Interdependence

63.  A crocodile had just eaten a lamb when a hawk saw the crocodile attacked it, and consumed it. The hawk is in ecological terms:
A. A producer B. A primary consumer
C. A secondary consumer D. A tertiary consumer

64.  If organisms are arranged according to predator-prey relationship one always finds more of prey species then of predator. This is called a:
A. Food web B. Pyramid of numbers
C. Succession D. Predator-prey relationship

65.  If all the green plants were to disappear from the earth:
A. Only the herbivores will die B. All the animal will die
C. Only the carnivores will die D. It will not matter to anyone because chemosynthetic bacteria will produce food for all

66.  Which group of three living organisms, given below is a link in food chain: Green plants .... Hawk:
A. Grasshopper, frog, snake B. Grasshopper, rat, snake
C. Millipedes, centipedes, sparrow D. Earthworm, hen, rat

67.  Deers are:
A. Autptrophic B. Heterotrophic
C. Herbivores D. Atrophic

68.  Energy flow and energy transformations in living systems strictly conform to the:
A. Law of limiting factors B. Liebig's law of minimum
C. Laws of thermody namics D. Shelford's law of tolerance
E. Biogenetic law    

69.  The living steady state has a self-regulatory mechanism which is:
A. Feedback mecanism B. Homeotherms
C. Homozygous D. Homeostasis
E. Heterozygous    

70.  In a food chain the largest population is that of:
A. Producers B. Decomposers
C. Tertiary consumers D. Primary consumers

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