CSS :: Ecology and General Silviculture

91.  A biotic community comprises:
A. Plants only B. Animals only
C. Plants and animals D. Plants or animals

92.  Food chains are met with only in the:
A. Sea B. Forests
C. Deserts D. In all these places

93.  The trophic structure in an ecosystem is infact:
A. Producer-consumer arrangement B. Refers to grazing food chain only
C. Never forms a food web D. Never photosynthesis dependent

94.  The river mouth ecosystem is called:
A. Estuarine B. Lotic
C. Lentic D. None of these

95.  Every ecosystem must have a continuous external source of:
A. Energy B. Oxygen
C. Living organism D. Bacteria

96.  The amount of living matter present in a component population of a particular trophic level is called:
A. Standing crop B. Standing quality
C. Both (a) & (b) D. Standing state

97.  The pyramid of biomass is variable in some:
A. Grassland ecosystems B. Pond ecosystems
C. Parasitic ecosystems D. Forest ecosystems

98.  The source of energy in an ecosystem is:
A. sugar stored in plants B. Light received from the sun
C. Heat liberated during fermentation D. Heat liberated during respiration

99.  Plants constitute the:
A. Third trophic level B. Fourth trophic level
C. First trophic level D. Second trophic level

100.  The ecosystem exists in a state of 'balance'. Supposing one of the heterotrophs, says the rabbit, multiplies and increases in number suddenly then:
A. The balance will be permanently upset because the rabbits will eat the grass in the system and die of starvation B. The 'balance' will be restoredby an increase in the wolf population
C. Epidemics will break out in the rabbits and kill all of them D. Rabbits will starts eating each other

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