Engineering :: Railway Engineering

21.  The rail section, now-a-days, used in Indian railways is
A. double headed type B. dumb-bell type
C. bull headed type D. flat footed type

22.  The rail section first designed in Indian railways was
A. double headed type B. bull headed type
C. flat footed type D. none of these

23.  The speed of the locomotives will be more if the gauge is wider.
A. Correct B. Incorrect

24.  Tractive force, due to which engine pulls the train, is
A. more than B. equal to
C. less than

25.  The width of top portion of a flat - footed rail, is
A. 66.67 mm B. 69.80 mm
C. 73.25 mm D. 75.87 mm

26.  The bull headed rails are provided on points and crossings.
A. Yes B. No

27.  For broad gauge main lines with maximum traffic loads, the rail section provided should have
A. 29.77 to 37.25 kg/m B. 44.7 to 56.8 kg/m
C. 49.8 to 52.3 kg/m D. 49.8 to 56.8 kg/m

28.  For metre gauge, 49.8 to 52.3 kg/m rail section is used.
A. True B. False

29.  The rail section is designated by its
A. total length B. total weight
C. cross - sectional area D. weight per metre length

30.  The largest dimension of a rail section is
A. head width B. foot width
C. height D. all of these

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