Engineering :: Thermodynamics

71.  Which of the following statements is correct
A. Cp can never be less than Cv B. Cp is always equal to Cv
C. Cp may be less than Cv depending on the gas D. Cp may be equal to or less than Cv

72.  At the critical temperature and pressure the specific heat of a gas at constant-pressure (Cp)
A. reaches a value of zero B. reaches a value of infinity
C. is equal to 0.24 keal/(kmol.K) D. is equal to 1 keal/(kmol.K)

73.  At low pressure the molal heat capacity of an ideal monoatomic gas at constant-volume is equal to
A. 3 J / (kmol.K) B. 3 kcal / (kmol.K)
C. 0.24 kcal/(kmol.K) D. 1 kcal/(kmol.K)

74.  At low pressure the molal heat capacity at constant-pressure (Cp) of an ideal monoatmic gas is equal to
A. 2.24 kcal kcal/(kmol.K) B. 5J/(kmol.K)
C. 5 kcal/(kmol.K) D. 3 kcal/(kmol.K)

75.  For all gases other than monoatomic gases the molal heat capacity at constant-volume is
A. greater than 3 kcal/(kmol.K) B. less than 3 kcal/(kmol.K)
C. equal to 3 kcal/(kmol.K) D. less than or equal to 3 kcal/(kmol.K) depending on the gas

76.  Above atmospheric pressure the specific heat of a gas at constant pressure (Cp)
A. increases with increase in pressure B. decreases with increase in pressure
C. remains unaffected with change in pressure D. increases first and then decreases with increase in pressure

77.  For an ideal gas Cp = 0.445 kcal/(kg.K) and ? = 1.33 the gas constant in kcal/(kg.K) is
A. 0.147 B. 0.592
C. 0.885 D. 0.11

78.  For an ideal gas Cv = 0.157 kcal/(kg.K) and R = 260 m-N/(kg.K) the specific heats ratio (?) is
A. 1.333 B. 1.396
C. 2.532 D. 1.653

79.  For an ideal monoatomic gas the specific heats ratio is
A. 1.4 B. 1.67
C. 1.33 D. 1

80.  What is the difference in two specific heats Cp and Cv of one gram of helium ? The molecular weight of helium is 4. Assume that helium behaves as an ideal gas.
A. 2 kcal/(kg.K) B. 8 kcal/(kg.K)
C. 1 kcal/(kg.K) D. 0.5 kcal/(kg.K)

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