Entry Test MCQ :: Coordination and Control

1.  Chlorosis, i.e., yellowish hue on the leaves results from
A. Accumulation of toxic waste products in leaves. B. Deficiency of chlorophyll.
C. Short supplies of mineral nutrients in the soil. D. All of these

2.  Chemically auxins are
A. Indole propionic acid. B. Indole carboxylic acid.
C. Indole acetaldehyde D. Indole acetic acid.

3.  Gibberellins may be substituted for _____ light, therefore promote flowering in long day plants.
A. White B. Red
C. Blue D. Green

4.  Which of the following is antagonist to Auxin in terms of promotion of stem growth?
A. Gibberellins B. Cytokinins
C. Abscisic Acid D. none of these.

5.  Abscisic acid promotes flowering in short day plants and inhibits in long day plants, which of the following is antagonistic to abscisic acid in terms of flowering:
A. Gibberellins B. Cytokinins
C. Auxins D. Ethene.

6.  The only promoter of leaf senescence in the following plant hormones is:
A. Gibberellins B. Cytokinins
C. Auxins D. Abscisic Acid

7.  Which of the following is used in brewing industry to promote malting:
A. Gibberellins B. Cytokinins
C. Auxins D. Abscisic Acid

8.  Which type of the receptors are present in the ear?
A. Chemoreceptors B. Mechanoreceptors
C. Photoreceptors D. Thermoreceptors

9.  Type of sensations carried by nociceptors are:
A. Touch. B. Temperature.
C. Pressure. D. Pain

10.  Which type of sensory structures carrying the touch sensations are present in papillae extending into ridges of the fingertips?
A. Hair end organs B. Meissner's Corpuscles.
C. Pacinian corpuscles. D. None of these.

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