CSS :: Urogenital System

21.  Vital morphological and physiological units in the mammalian kidney are
A. Ureters B. Seminiferous tubules
C. Uriniferous tubules D. None of these

22.  Bowman's capsule is the part of:
A. Nephron B. Neuron
C. Cyton D. Axon

23.  Which of the following is a common term for a part of kidney and part of skeleton in mammals:
A. Cortex B. Medulla
C. Pelvis D. Hilus

24.  In the mammalian kidney, the Bowman's capsules occur in:
A. Cortex B. Medulla
C. Pelvis D. Hilus

25.  Which of the parts in vertebrates functionally correspond contractile vacuole of protozoans:
A. Heart B. Sweat glands
C. Cloaca D. Kidneys

26.  Blood vessel leaving glomerulus in a mammalian nephron is called:
A. Efferent renal arteriole and is narrower in diameter than the vessel entering it B. Efferent renal arteriole and is wider than the vessel entering it
C. Renal artery is wider than the vessel entering it. D. Afferent renal arteriole is wider than the vessel entering it

27.  Malpighian body is the part of:
A. Spleen and manufactures RBCs B. Liver and stores bile
C. Kidney and involved in urine formation D. All of these

28.  Kidneys in the man are formed from:
A. Pronephros B. Mesonephros
C. Metanephros D. All of these

29.  Mammalian kidneys serve to excrete:
A. Excess salts, urea and excess water B. Excess salts, excess water and excess amino acids
C. Excess water, urea and amino acids D. Excess salt, urea and water

30.  Which of the following organs have Bowman's capsule:
A. Liver B. Spleen
C. Kidneys D. Testes

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